Star Me and CmdT allows to reach any part of the file and to file in your open project by just typing some literals. TEXTMATE FOR LINUX FULL
except common feature, it allows full project search (even regular expression). Allows you to remove reference certain files or folders from project to apply search upon e.g logs, images etc. It can open your whole project (in a side pane, left or right side), I prefer right side. Supports almost all languages and frameworks. Snippets to call your programming structures e.g. Thousands of other feature and plugin and it makes it extremely powerful and fast to work till now. Color schema makes one feel geeky developer 🙂 especially after watching MatriX. Split (horizontal and vertical) views (:sp or :vsp ). use of CTags (extremely powerful feature when working on a project). Practically open file of any size (tried with gigs of sql files). Macro (record and play on a file of any size), at par feature. Search and replace (:%s/search/replace/gi). Vim (all terminal based and though fast): With time I worked more on Vim and TextMate and trying to point some of their key features which I liked and used the most. As a rescue I used Vim and always feel overwhelmed about Linux community and such a powerful and fast editor, which can’t be replaced by anything (with same regard for Emacs). TEXTMATE FOR LINUX INSTALL
I was pretty happy and used to install some bundles from time to time to make it work the way I want to code fast and effective and started coding with as many shortcuts I can learn and remember.
I always wanted to work/handson/try Emacs there after, but still lazy enough to start exploring it.Īfter college, I started development on Mac OS X and got paid version of TextMate and as said its best for development for Ruby on Rails application. Truly speaking VIM seemed flamboyant with its unmatched capabilities. I started development during my college days on Vim or GEdit on Linux.
Sorry, I don’t recommend Windows for development and I presume that you like to learn shortcuts and emphasize more upon your keyboard instead of mouse.
I’ll make my assumptions on the basis you like working either on MacOS X or linux (Ubuntu, fedora or any other flavour) and can dig yourself to get your things working like the way you want to work on your machine. I mostly work on Ruby or ROR, Web2.0 stuff and I prefer to work fast, efficient and effective way and editor plays a very important role for every developer, so as system (OS) but its a different discussion as of now. There are hundreds of editors available in the market, both free and paid, depending upon ones need.